The Universal power pushed me into CBB

The Universal power pushed me into CBB

The start of the New Year, I decided that 2018 is going to be the year of health, wealth, happiness and abundance and that 2017 would be the year that taught me strength, compassion and an understanding of life.

Now being a mother of three, pregnant, hormonal and 90% of the time ‘hangry” you can imagine my stress levels and how I remain positive.

So i thought, it would be a good January start to share with you, my readers a few secrets of life that have worked for me, and continue to work with me.

For those of you that know me from The Apprentice or Celebrity Big Brother, Im going to share with you how I actually managed to get on both programmes.


I manifested my way on to them.

I asked the higher power from within to get me on both shows, I visualised myself in the boardroom and in the final 5. I visualised myself  be walking on to your TV screen like ‘mic drop, Jess is in de house” and believed the Law of attraction would work its magic to get me there.

Oh and my sister and I always had a feeling one of us would one day meet Jedward. #Moment

So, what is the Law of attraction (LOA) ? The LOA is where you ask the power of the divine Universe for what you want, then have to believe/feel you already have it, then let it go and have faith it will come true.

You have to see and feel as your future self….A star!

I knew without a doubt that I would be on the Apprentice, I just had a feeling. The Universe however, likes to test your faith. 


I actually got on to The Apprentice in 2014, I was pregnant at the time and i thought “Wow, I am doing it for all the pregnant working mamas out there. The first pregnant woman EVER to be on the Apprentice.”

Turns out, they couldn’t get cast insurance and I got dropped. GUTTED. 

Two years later I plucked up the courage to apply again, I logged onto my computer, typed into Google “APPLY FOR THE APPRENTICE” and thought YES! This is my moment (Martine McCuttcheon playing in the background, pressed enter…. WTF.  I’VE MISSED THE BLOODY DEADLINE!!! 

No, this was not the way my visualisation in a meditative state went. I did the only thing i knew how, cry, Just jokes, I kept the bloody faith didn’t I?

I thought, right, I aint no for an answer. I found out the production company who made the Apprentice, rang them up, told them the full shabang and they told me to send an email- A bloody email, I wanted an invite there and then to the auditions. However I sent an email and got three ‘No’s’ back.

email 1. 

‘Sorry, good luck for next year’

email 2

‘Really Sorry, nothing we can do. Apply next year’

email 3


Ok, so I may of made the last one up, the point being I got three No’s. Not giving up…AND STILL keeping the faith, I managed to guess (I impressed myself here) the email address of one of the producers and voila! I managed to get myself through to the first i audition stage.

And the rest is TV history. Looking back actually, maybe it was more to do with the fact I broke down in tears in the audition process in front of two of the Exec producers who obviously saw “TV Gold”….Hmm one ‘jeans task later’!  


Then we have CBB…

I just knew I would be on it, I had the same feeling as TheApprentice and as soon as I found out I would be on The Apprentice, I knew I would be in that house!

(Which was strange as Trishna and myself were the only two candidates that said we would never do CBB – hmmm how wrong I was whilst eating my humble pie). 

Episode 3 of The Apprentice aired and I received an email from the Booker of CBB asking if I would like to meet her, I was reluctant at first, as I really did not fancy the idea of it. However, something was telling me to go for it, so I did and thank God! As it was a brilliant experience which has opened and continues to open many doors. BUT…it was’nt easy sailing, Jeeze Louise, talk about keeping the faith on this one. 

My amazing agent Vickie then took charge from here, Vickie and I both had a feeling that I would be entering the house. Then the launch happened and I was no where to be seen walking down the red carpet.

It was a no, But maybe a yes for the summer.

However, I rang Vickie and my exact words were. “Vickie, Iv just got this feeling that Im going to be in that house”

to which Vickie Replied

“Me too”

8 days passed with no word of going in, but then i got a phone call saying they were thinking of putting me in as three men had been evicted. OUT OF THE FLIPPING BLUE. Again, Martine McCuttcheon started playing, Yes! I thought, the LOA did it again.

One phone call later, It was a No. WTF, NO? This is not part of my Universe LOA magical plan.

“I am destined to meet Jedward”.

Keeping the faith, and visualising chatting with Colleen, Dancing with Jedward and Nicola McClean plucking my eyes brows…I got yet ANOTHER phone call. 

“They’re having a meeting of who to put it, Its looking good” Vickie told me. This was on the Wednesday.

24 (long) hours later, the phone rings…Its Vickie.


“Hi Vic, my bags packed, Iv kept my faith in the Universe, what time are they collecting me?”


“It’s a no”!

Whaaaaat, I couldn’t understand, i’d visualised it so well. I was destined to be in the diary room, surely?


“Do you think they might change their mind, I really feel like i’m going into that house”


“I felt like that too, but No, they never change their mind, Maybe the summer one”






“They want you in the house, They’ve changed their minds”

It was at that point that I really understood about positive thought, the magic of the Law Of Attraction and power of belief. The universe (And also the lovely Hannah, the CBB booker) and worked the magic.

I had 16 hours to get packed, sorted, and nip to build a bear with the kids to get them a bear that they could squeeze and hear my voice say:

“Whats been your favourite part of the day? Im missing you, but I’ll be home soon”

A year later, I’m now regretting it, as Hatti presses it at 5:45am every morning and the battery is near it’s death and resembles a slow version of Darth Vader with a northern accent!


To experience life is incredible. Life changing events can come out of the blue, and everything can change in a moment. I speak through experience, and not just the experience of the above, but my life has been a series of “out of the blue” events. The most of them positive, a couple tragic and all of them life altering.

What ever your situation is right now, If its crap, believe and visualise it changing. Have faith that circumstances can change in an instant. Welcome the change.

If your life is good, keep that feeling and keep visualising the direction in which you want your life to go, you deserve to be happy. We all do. 

If you want to find out more about the LOA a few books to look at are:

  • The Secret
  • Think rich, Grow rich
  • The Monk that sold his Ferrari
  • Celestine prophecy


Lots of Love 






Upside Down.

Upside Down.

Let me introduce our guest blogger Zoe;
Hi, I’m Zoe, 28, a mum of three, girlfriend and
someone who wishes sometimes she had the career she trained for!
The title is our life in a nutshell, although I’m sure that’s pretty much any parent’s life in a nutshell!
Unfortunately, life just doesn’t always give you the easiest route, and I know
I’m definitely not the only one. There are others out there who definitely
aren’t as lucky as some of us.
These are my three kids – Jay(6), Lucie (4) and Archie (3).
Now you know why we’re upside down here!
Jay and Lucie both have Down’s Syndrome, and while it is a major part of their lives, it’s not what defines
them. As a mother, to be told your child has any condition is heartbreaking. And at the time, you
struggle to think of any positives.
Don’t get me wrong, their condition impedes daily life, but,
sometimes we are guilty of forgetting that they have any condition at all! They are treated with the
same rules as their brother, and they complete just as many tasks at home. Jay really loves
housework, he’s the quickest to pick up a duster! Life here doesn’t revolve around Jay and Lucie
having Down’s Syndrome, our life just revolves around our kids in general.
I’m not afraid to say, there are times when I struggle. There are times where I need five minutes
hiding in the kitchen eating a Dairy Milk. But there are also all those milestones that you wonder will
your child ever reach.
We watch Archie achieve these things with ease, and then we can really see
how hard the other two have worked to get to that point. Sometimes, I just want to be a parent who
doesn’t have people looking at her in the street, pitying me. Or telling me that I’m lucky because Jay
and Lucie are so loving. Believe me, Archie doesn’t love me any less or any more!
I struggle with the fact that there is still such a stigma with having a child with disabilities and I understand that this will probably never go away, but it concerns me nonetheless.
I’m proud of my kids, and I’m not ashamed to say that sometimes they drive me mad, but at the end
of the day for me, they’re just kids. My kids.
Jay and Lucie are just Jay and Lucie, they’re Archie’s
brother and sister, they’re exactly what we as parents allow them to be! They have an extra
chromosome, but not extra special treatment! My world may have been turned upside down at a
time, both my partner and I!
But we have three happy kids, and that means more to us than any diagnosis. All we can hope for, is that over time, society will learn to #losethelabel and treat everyone equally.
Lots of love,
Zoe x
The beautiful truth about children.

The beautiful truth about children.

The Beautiful Truth About Children
Most couples want to have children together to enjoy starting a family and partake in parenthood.
It can often be difficult to know what to expect when having kids for the first time. When you’re
pregnant or are expecting a child, there is a beautiful truth about kids that you’ll soon discover.
Kids are Often Picky Eaters
Many kids go through stages where they’re picky eaters and don’t want to touch what’s on their
plate. Once they’re 18 months old, they may play with their food and throw it on the floor instead
of eating it. It’s normal for each child to be different with
how much they eat each day. You’ll know that they’re healthy if they continue to grow and gain weight as they develop. Once the kids are old enough to communicate, you’ll need to decide if you want to give them options on what they eat or establish a rule that they need to eat what they’re served.
They’ll Make You More Selfless
Having children will transform your world as you learn to care for another person’s needs 24
hours each day. From changing diapers to teaching them how to ride a bike, you’ll learn to shift
your focus from yourself to your kids. It’ll be easier to put their needs before your own, which
can allow you become selfless over time. You’ll begin to have their best interest in mind when
changing careers or moving homes to ensure that they have the quality of life that they deserve.
They’re Honest
Many parents quickly discover how honest children are once the kids begin to talk and form
words. They’ll point, stare, and speak their mind while out in public, which can lead to
embarrassing moments and stories. Kids aren’t afraid to tell their parents what they think,
whether they don’t like an outfit you’re wearing or believe you are the best father in the world.
All Kids Throw Tantrums
Although it can be easy to judge other parents whose kids have a meltdown in the supermarket,
no parents are exempt from unexpected outbursts in public when children don’t get their way.
Whether it’s because its naptime or the child is going through the terrible twos, all kids throw
tantrums as they grow in their independence. You’ll need to find disciplinary actions to take to
teach them that the behaviour is unacceptable to ensure that they learn how to control their
They Make You Fall in Love
As difficult and challenging as parenthood is, you’ll still find yourself thinking about your kids
while you’re at the office or after you tuck them in bed at night. Although it’s challenging raising
children, most parents find themselves falling in love with their kids and discovering that life
becomes richer. It’ll be easy to talk about your children or post their pictures on social media
each day because you feel fulfilled and happy with their new presence in your life.
– By our first guest blogger Erica Johnson from
And you can follow her on twitter
My thoughts on CBB so far!!!!

My thoughts on CBB so far!!!!

So I have been asked to do a column for and thought that I would also share it on my blog for a little bit of extra content!

Celebrity Big Brother My thoughts so far!

Absolutely loving the ‘all women’ line up, I mean come on when you decide to put Ann Widdecombe in a confined space and full of equally strong-minded women things can only get interesting. A perfect example of last nights episode…. when she referred to one of my faves India Willoughby as a ‘he’! I think someone needs a trip to spec savers! However, I do think that Ann will add somewhat of a certain spark to the house!

For me though (in no particular order) my faves have to be


I think i am possibly the only person in the world who doesn’t watch the Kardashians, so i had no clue who Malika was, however, WOW! she is spunky, honest, very funny and easy on the eye! I loved her point of view with the Harvey Weinstein debate between Ann and Jess, and how open and honest she was about how certain situations can be unveiled!


Purely for the fact she doesn’t wear a bra! Ah, I think Jess is such a sweet and sassy woman. She seems to be making friends and taking the time to get to know everybody in the house, which I think is so important and she also says what she thinks! Judging from the male line up that is going into the house, It will be interesting to see which males she will have to fight off! safe to say she will have the pick of the bunch!


LOVE LOVE LOVE India!!! I love how open she is about her past and how openly she talks about how she felt and how she feels. I also found it really interesting when she told the story about her first experience with sex discrimination and being asked to make the brews over the other two men that were in the office at the same time. It made me stop and think how many times this must have happened and how unaware a lot of women and men are about equality.


OOOOh, and then this takes me on to my final chapter for this week! The MEN!!!

The line up for the men looks rather interesting, I am not too sure who John Barnes is…

I have also read that he is married, which is strange as CBB like to book single people! Now if he was single I would understand a little more why he is going into the house, but then again he might be the philosophy of the carrot dangling for the older phillys “you can look but you can’t touch”!


Then we move onto a couple of the younger fella’s going into the house, from Dapper Laughs (let’s face it, with that name who wouldn’t be laughing). I can’t believe he managed to style his facewith his jacket. Genius, i can see why he is a comedian.


Ginuwine (is that a bizarre spelling for genuine? or he is trying to tell us ‘U need Gin and Wine) and can i just say, this guy is 47…..YES 47 and if you don’t know who he is, google him. He looks 27!!!! i need to know his skincare regime!

Then last but not least Andrew Brady from The Apprentice, I really hope he goes in there and shines. When I went to CBB I was completely new to reality TV, so I was just myself, I didn’t realise that reality TV is all about schmoozing, arguing, drama… I thought little old me was just fine and dandy. So my advice for Andy is, if he likes one of the ladies then BLOODY GO FOR IT!

looking forward to tonight’s episode and il be back next week!





Escape Reality….yes please!!!

Escape Reality….yes please!!!


Right, I feel the need to talk about Escape rooms! Last year (A month ago haha) went to two escape rooms. With the kids and a competitive partner, that seemed to forget that we were doing it with the kids. Now a word of advice, if you are competitive, dating a competitive partner and throw a couple of kids in the mix is guaranteed get absolute comedy and a simple (not so simple) escape room that should take under an hour to complete will, in fact, take 2 hours and 17 minutes. TRUE STORY!

For those of you who don’t know what an escape room is, it is a themed room that you are locked in and the only way out of it is to escape using clues and props! They are soooooo good!

I remember when Alex and I first met, we did an escape room (Obviously I suggested a scary one, so I could forget all the feminism i believe in momentarily to pretend i was scared to jump into his arms) but way back then Alex hadn’t seen the “DRAGON” in me and I was still playing that ‘easy going, chilled, girl kinda vibe’ to try and make him my boyfriend. #WORKED!

Now I am easily impressed, and the escape room I went to many months ago (the dream girl days) with Alex I was impressed with…Oh how naive I was!

Escape Reality was another level. I mean, the rooms were pro, the staff were pro, the stories were pro…We, however, were not so pro. When Poppy 6, Seb 11, Olive 5, myself and Alex arrived at Escape Reality we decided to participate in the Bank Job room, a family fun room…I honestly felt like I had been transported to a bank volt.



However Alex being a 35-year man, seemed to think that the main objective was for himself to get us out of the room and not for the kids to join in and help us to ‘crack the code’ and the first 10 minutes of the experience included myself shouting at Alex, Seb cracking the wrong code and Pops and Olive on repeat saying “what can I do, what can I do” – It was at this point the ‘DRAGON’ came out, I flipped and told Alex the whole point is for us to guide the kids through it and help them to build their confidence…Oh, how I swallowed my words 2 hours and 17 minutes later.

The remainder 2 hours and 7 minutes were however enjoyable, crazy and fun! The best part about being in the escape room, is all of us overthought and over complicated the clues and props! I created scenarios that were, well, a bit off the wall. And if I was doing that as an adult, you can only but imagine the scenarios of a 5, 6 and 11-year-old.

After overcoming some of the mastermind ‘blockbuster’ idea’s,  we then started to discover hidden text, which laid us to props in drawers as we laughed and limbo’d under small doors and we all managed to escape. The feeling afterwards knowing that as a little family we managed to work together was great and we left feeling energised and giddy.

So…what is the verdict?

Escape rooms are amazing for families to do together, firstly you get that feeling of ‘good parent duties’ and secondly you kids think you are some kind of mastermind hero. Both winning situations in my eyes. However, although Poppy and Olive enjoyed the escape room, I would they are a little too young to understand that game. They loved being involved, the props and the fantasy of the room. Seb, however, is a perfect age and he got what he had to do, he managed to lead us onto a few other clues and at the end, I could tell that he felt proud that he had cracked it!

And on that note, we are going next week for Sebs birthday! It really is bloody brilliant and I would recommend it to any family!

Escape reality has sites in Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Chicago, Cardiff, Las Vegas (Id like an invite to this one), Dubai (or this one) and Leicester!

If you are going to do an escape room, choose one with high production values because 9 out of 10 times they are all pretty much the same price to do – so choose the bloody best one!

Love Jess

