So, I haven’t wrote a blog post in quite a while, slightly embarrassing. So i thought the best way to start it up again would be to start with a new energy, and my crystals give me a new energy! Now i know some of you reading this may think that i am bat shizzle crackers, the truth is, i probably am a little!
People use crystals in all different ways, perhaps they hold one whilst meditating, create a grid with them, create beautiful spaces in their homes, carry them with them on a daily basis or place them on their bodies to balance their energy or bring them luck, money, love, friendship, positive vibes, or whatever it may be for that person.
The Crystals i bought were to give me motivation, energy, and positive vibes, as for the past week or so, I have just felt Low energy! Sometimes all you need to have is a comforting Crystal inside your pocket to remind you that everything will be ok! To some of you, that may sound bonkers, but to those who know, you know what that feels like. When I feel emotional, stressed or overwhelmed, a little special Crystal
inside my purse that I can hold in my hand, is all it takes to feel calm & at ease!
I wanted to write this blog post, as i honestly feel different when i wear, hold or meditate with Crystals. I know that to some people even a small everyday task is a lot to bare, this last week i have felt like that, the stresses of work, kids and not eating right. This morning, I opened up my little delivery and as crazy as this sounds, as soon as i held my new bracelets, and scented Crystals, i felt calm, OK, recharged, energized and as if a new lease of confidence had entered my brain! The strange thing is, i haven’t wrote a blog post in around 6 months and the day I receive my Crystals, I feel motivated to take on the day and get writing.
Maybe you are an avid crystal fan, or just want to know more, I’ll be honest I had always felt compelled towards crystals but I didn’t have a bloody clue what they all meant, or what they all were, or where to bloody well start with them! Then on good old faithful Instagram laid me the way to two amazing girls who run ! It also helps that the two girls are very trendy and relatable!
Honestly, if you want to know anything about crystals and what they do, contact them or follow them on Instagram crystalharmonyuk
If you’re just starting out, here are my top 5 crystals and what they do:
Rose Quartz – Think LUUUURVE! This crystal is
bursting with love so if you are looking to attract
a love partner, or add more love into a current
relationship … or maybe you need to love
yourself a little more, this is the crystal for you!
Wear a bracelet to surround yourself with love, or
pop a rough piece in the bedroom for loving
Clear Quartz – If there were a hierarchy within
crystals and it was the royal family … this would
be the King! The master healer, and the
strongest energy amplifier on the planet! Grab
this beauty when you need an energy boost or
feel your motivation waning.
Amethyst – Know that feeling when you walk into
a beautiful health spa, knowing you have the
entire day to float around in a robe and do
nothing but zen yourself out … well that’s what
this crystal embodies!!! This crystal is chilling to
the max! A calm and peaceful delicious crystal!
Black Tourmaline – Ok, we all find ourselves
starting a day super positive and owning life, only
to be met with a complete mood hoover!!!! A
Debbie Downer! However you describe them,
they are everywhere! And if we are not careful,
their negativity can rub off onto us and lower our
mood! Carry black tourmaline to put a
metaphorical bubble around you so other
people’s negativity just bounces off and doesn’t
drag you down.
Citrine – Money money money! This is your
manifesting, hip-swinging, luck attracting,
buzzing with happiness crystal!!!! This attracts
If you want to know more about any of the above or what i use my crystal for, please message me! Or message the experts actually. hahahah
Instagram Crystal harmony UK