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Last Minute Plans?
If you’re like me and always have last minute plans and you only trust your children with certain people, finding childcare, especially at short notice can be a bloody pain if not near impossible. Now I love my kids don’t get me wrong, but they aren’t exactly angels...
read moreBOOK NOW
CLICK HERE TO BOOK Mother Of Maniacs Jessica Cunningham (BBC Apprentice, ITV Good Morning Britain, Loose Women) presents an intimate, inspirational, high energy mental, #mindset workout with some of the UK's most successful, celebrity influencers and...
read moreCrystal life
So, I haven't wrote a blog post in quite a while, slightly embarrassing. So i thought the best way to start it up again would be to start with a new energy, and my crystals give me a new energy! Now i know some of you reading this may think that i am bat shizzle...
read morePregnancy – It’s ok to feel like a ratty dragon chicken.
Am I the only pregnant women that seem to feel that looking incredible naked is the new pregnancy trend? I’m starting to feel it’s all the rage to ‘embrace your body and post in a sexy negligee’ because you should ‘still feel sexy’ and ‘confident’ because ‘pregnancy...
read moreJessica Cunningham enlists celebrity mums to celebrate mumpreneurs
Jessica Cunningham enlists celebrity mums to celebrate mumpreneurs The Apprentice star set to host an exclusive business event for fellow mums. Heavily pregnant Jessica Cunningham is hosting the very first Mother Of Maniacs Bloggers/Press launch with fellow celebrity...
read moreVamoosh Anxiety, and let thee be gone!
Wow, I was massively overwhelmed with all the private messages that I received yesterday about health anxiety, I read some truly heartbreaking messages, some really relateable messages and messages from people who were in deep despair. It took me 4 hours to...
read moreMy health anxiety. ANXIETY
I haven't written a blog for a while, and the last couple of blog posts I have written have been promoting some other fabulous mummies and some family-friendly business. I feel however, I need to get back into the swing of things and let go, that and we had a...
read moreIntroducing mum for Monday, Erika Swinn! Celeb make up artist!
Right, today's mum for Monday is celebrity makeup artist, an old school friend and now bump buddy - Erika Swinn! If you, like me, are prisoned by the school run, doomed to pack lunches, consumed in endless piles of washing and busy working on your...
read moreHiding vegetables in soup
Chicken, broccoli and carrot soup with a parmesan toast For a few weeks after we found out that Anni was pregnant, nothing changed. I mean, of course, everything was different, but everything was also the same. And because life just went on I couldn’t...
read moreKids Happy House makes my house happy
OMG - Just before I start blogging, I just want to make you all aware THIS IS NOT A PAID POST! This is simply one post from an excited mum for other mums to get excited over! If you, like me, bloody love baby and children gadgets then Kids Happy House is...
read moreA Mrs Brown moment of appreciation
My mum for Monday (even though its Wednesday and I am two days late #Pregnantmotherofthree) has to go to the simply fabulous Mrs. Leanne Brown from RHOC. The reason I am dedicating a post to Leanne is that you all need to check her out and in this world of...
read moreRoasted fig, feta and walnut salad with fresh orange and avocado (v)
This dish is just absolute goodness on a plate. Every single ingredient used here is healthy and full of the good stuff mum needs to nourish her baby. There’s a lot of pregnancy superfoods in this dish. Feta is a great pregnancy cheese as its full of...
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