Hello everyone, Sam the foody blogger here. I hope you’re having a fabulous week?
So this week I’ve had a serious lack of food, lack of car, lack of hubby and a lack of supermarkets who lack the ability to drive down the bumpy track to my home.
So awaiting my mum and sister to come to the rescue, I was questioning “what the hell am I going to feed my children for breakfast?”
I mean, to be honest, I could literally eat anything at anytime! So on this occasion with only having a few ingredients in my house, I decided on chocolate pudding and why the hell not. I mean, toast, who says you have to have toast and cereal, who says you have to have cereal. NOT ME!
This recipe I call all the 2’s
Because, it’s a simple, quick, and delicious breakfast which only takes 2 minutes!
Almond milk (as much or as little as you prefer, we prefer a thick smoothie to eat out of a bowl – so use less for this)
2 x tablespoons of chia seeds
2 x tablespoons of Cacao powder
2 x dates (you can add more if you like it sweeter)
2 x small bananas
2 x halves of avocado (so basically 1 avocado, but that doesn’t fit in with all my ‘twos’)
2 x teaspoons of protein powder, any will do. We use an organic hemp version
Chuck it all into the blender!
TOP TIP *put the Almond Milk in first, so the powder doesn’t stick to the sides!
Blend on and off until you get the consistency you require which therefore = one happy child ??
Lots of Love
Sam #MOM