Slightly excited to watch this year’s Apprentice which started last Wednesday at 9 pm. Woohoo.
I can only but imagine how each and every candidate will be feeling when the classic ‘Dance of The Knight’ “dum, di dum, di dum da” theme tune begins…
I remember all too well this time last year, I had a belly full of nerves (thinking I may literally crap myself), I’d hired a Pheonix style nightclub with a 40ft screen and had invited my family, my “SPAT” (single parents alone together) friends and of course the three maniacs to join me (yes call the school police, the kids had a very late night that night and on a school night! #badMOM). We all waited with anticipation, not knowing how I would be perceived by Nation.
The big moment had arrived, the screen was on, drinks lined up on the table and then there he was, the 40ft wide face of Lord Shugs asking “Jessica what do you do then?”.
Glass in hand, a grin on my face, I reminisced at how poised, sophisticated and savvy I was when responding to his question, but then wait, WHAT, WHAT THE…WHY I AM DOING THAT, WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING. The posied response I had so fondly remembered, consisted of the longest “Hellooooo” in history and Karen Brady referring to me as rather “Excitable”.
However, at this point, I thought all was not lost. I suddenly remembered my “Grade A” business acumen performance that took place in task one. Savvy, sophisticated and this time professional, but wait, what the….Oh no
Did I just refer to Trishna having a nice set of jugs? Yes, yes I did.
oh no, wait, what the….
Is that me pretending to drop a very expensive antique vase, THREE TIMES?
I suddenly burst into laughter and noticed the response surrounding me was the same, Hallelujah, thank the Gods. Becoming happily surprised at how I’d been edited in the first episode, I continued to watch in glee. Not in a million years had I imagined that the clips shown, would have been those shown! In my head, I’d envisaged watching all those business savvy moments which had taken place, I soon realized that wasn’t the entire nature of the show!
So, my advice to all the 2017 candidates…
- Embrace the episodes, you will cringe, you will cry, but you WILL laugh too
- Accept that you’re more than likely going to look like a fool and potentially more than once
- You only have one chance to maximise on your experience. It was life-changing for me, it can be for you.
- The edit is a true representation of yourself, maybe not your ‘business self’, but never the less, yourself!. If you disagree, you may well be deluded and then my advice would be to check yourself before you wreck yourself
- Enjoy.
And that’s pretty much it, I already like the look of Michaela, she seems cute and then there’s Andrew and Sudjan, who judging by his interview, could well be this series ‘TV Gold’.
Come back tomorrow to read my review and for an incite behind the scenes.
Jess x #MOM